HGV Insurance for General Haulage

Compare HGV quotes for Curtain-Siders, Walking Floor, Skeletal, Box, Flatbeds or Lutons

0800 912 3081

If you’re looking for HGV Insurance for general haulage, here are just some of the trucks we can help you to insure.

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Here are just some of the commercial trucks and HGV’s for general haulage we can help you insure.

Get a quick quote today, call us and speak to the team on 0800 hidden912 hidden3081

Curtain-Sider HGV Insurance

Speak to us to make sure you’re not paying too much to insure your curtain-sider trucks. Used primarily on motorways for long-distance trunking and tramping, means many insurers regarded curtain-siders as a lower haulage risk.


Skeletal Truck HGV Insurance

With their amazing low un-laden weight, these versatile trailers are predominantly used for the carriage of containers, and have become an attractive proposition for our underwriters. Whether it’s a fixed or sliding skeletal trailer, we can find the best insurance for you.


Flatbed Lorry HGV Insurance

For carrying heavy or abnormal sized loads that are not delicate or vulnerable to whether conditions, flatbeds offer more versatility than most other body types to carry goods which are not defined or restricted by the trailer sides or roof.


Walking Floor HGV Insurance

An ingenious design, these complex and clever trailers have literally ‘lifted a weight’ off the haulage industry, making loading and unloading bulky or large quantities of packaged goods easier than ever before. We take the exactly same approach with our truck insurance.


Meet our HGV Insurance Team

Welcome to Compare HGV Insurance. You won’t find grey suits or briefcases here. We’re real people, like you, and we share a genuine passion for protecting the haulage industry. Find out more about our amazing team here.


Get A Quote Now, or Later

If you know what cover you need, call us. If you haven’t got time for a call now, complete our Quick Quote form and we’ll ring you back when it’s a more convenient time.


Some of Our HGV Insurance Partners

Our policies are underwritten by
AXA logo - a Compare HGV Insurance insurer
Aviva logo - a Compare HGV Insurance insurer
Allianz logo - a Compare HGV Insurance insurer
ERS logo - a Compare HGV Insurance insurer
haul-in-one logo - a Compare HGV Insurance insurer
RSA logo - a Compare HGV Insurance insurer